Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Did Someone Say HELP? ... It Was Me!

With the official engagement underway, the time has come to start planning. I initially wondered how I would be able to manage the many details involved in wedding planning while working the demanding 14-hour days at KIPP: Austin College Prep. Just like a light bulb switches on... a bright idea popped into my head. I realized that there are so many people in this country that have very successful event planning careers. To take it a step further, I realized that these careers must have started with some sort of internship experience.

Why not, I thought, create a working opportunity for a college student to gain invaluable experience in the details of wedding planning by assisting me?!?! Sounds great, right? This should be simple. So I posted an ad on Craigslist and sent a write-up of what I was looking for to the PR advisor at the University of Texas at Austin. The word was out.

Within less than 48 hours, I received over 35 resume's and cover letters by email. It was insane! I needed an assistant to help me find an assistant. Ha Ha Ha. I sifted through most of them and put together a hefty list of 10 interviews. A couple of girls did not show up, but for the most part all of the ladies (coincidence, I suppose) I interviewed were very professional, eager and motivated to take on the job of my wedding planning assistant.

I narrowed it down to my two favorite: Oanh & Jessica (ironic, I know). They were both very strong candidates in very different ways. I liked them both! The next step was choosing between the two. I've never been very good at this. This is why I have so many purses and shoes. Once I narrow it down to two, I have a lot of trouble sacrificing one for the other.

What's that saying?..."When in doubt, ask your friends." I hosted a small get together at my home in which some of my friends and family were able to meet and greet Oanh and Jessica. Afterwards, we discussed the two girls and found that making a decision was very difficult! I ended up deciding to hire both girls to be my assistants. After speaking with them about my decision, they seemed very relieved to have someone else to share the workload with. All in all, I look forward to working with these 2 ladies. They are very eager and talented. Task #1 is planning my Engagement Party in Houston. We'll see how it goes...

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