My mornings begin around 5 a.m. now. That's 4 in Texas and a whopping 2 a.m. in Cali. Just to clarify! I've been spending a lot more time focusing on being in tune with what's going on with my body. I find such joy and excitement in observing the subtle changes I see over time. My stomach moves on its own now. So beautiful.
I've been missing from my blog since June. It's been 3 1/2 months and I promise I have good reason! Soon after finding out that we were moving, God decided to let us know it's time for us to be parents. An exciting discovery! Within the same weekend an opportunity to remain in Virginia 6 more months presented itself. We decided to take a little bit more time to stay here to ensure dad-to-be can attend doctor appointments, et cetera.
What a long 3 1/2 months it has been! For a good 6 weeks I literally fell of the face of the earth. I spent more hours in bed than out. I spent more time sick to my stomach than nourishing my body. Then, I awoke one day and ALAS, it was all gone. Normal. I felt normal! My immediate reaction was panic of course. Something must be wrong with sweet thing in my tum tum. Why am I not feeling terrible? Is she ok? Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh the paranoia of a new parent. It's called...the 2nd trimester.
I welcomed the glow of pregnancy in trimester two about 8 weeks ago. It's been a wonderful breeze. Now in these 8 weeks, aside from my body growing in very odd but beautiful ways, I've made some shifts in my life in preparation for mommie-hood.
For starters, I resigned at my school. I began to find (during summer / 1st trimester) that the stress and work load were much more difficult to balance. I also found it really tough to prioritize my body's needs such as, rest and food in the fast-paced environment at work. I actually lost weight during my first trimester! I didn't eat very much and slept often. I felt sick every single day all day long!
The 2nd change I made was devoting myself to completing my graduate program as soon as possible. I want to wrap things up quickly so that I am not juggling a 2-wk old and an essay. I'm happy to say that this is my last full semester in my graduate program.
The 3rd and final change I made, most recently, has been to better devote myself to understanding how to prepare myself spiritually for the challenges of parenthood. I've spent a lot of time in prayer, both for my child, and for our family. I am also beginning a stay-at-home mom Bible study group on Monday, Oct 25. We are studying "Sheparding A Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp.
So my days look very different now. I've been able to rededicate myself to some of my favorite hobbies such as, reading and blogging! I've started a book blog, please check it out. I have also been collecting baby items. My dear friends hosted a baby shower for me a few weeks ago. It was a tea party style shower! How neat!!! We've also journeyed into the world of cloth diapers. Super excited. Seems to be a huge money saver and great for the environment. (They're also super cute!) We plan to use FuzziBunz. I've truly enjoyed preparing for baby. We are also, of course, preparing for the move to Florida. We'll have finished our 6 months here very soon so the housing search is on! That's always fun. We're in a condo now, so stretching out to a house with a yard sounds very appealing. We'll likely move around the beginning of December.
My sleep schedule has been the most interesting and enjoyable change. I wake up to a violent kick in my tummy around 4:30 a.m. These kicks are relentless and non-negotiable, she's hungry! I get up for a snack (typically cereal or peanut butter on a slice of bread). Then I'm awake for about an hour or so. After my husband leaves for work, I fall back asleep for another few hours. It's truly nice to sleep when my body needs it. I feel like I've been blessed with the opportunity to be a mom and to not have to work. So, I'm taking my role very seriously and seeking God's guidance in assuring that I'm handling this new role with the utmost humility and gratitude.
I feel so loved and so blessed. Updates soon. Promise!
NOTE on the PHOTO: I know you all want to see my belly. I don't have a good one yet. So the photo included is from the shower. SMOOCHES.
Congratulations Jessica!!! I'm so excited for you & Michael! Kudos to you for making changes supportive of your health & spirit as you prepare for parenthood.
Congratulations Jessica! I'm so excited for you and Michael! Kudos to you for making changes supportive of your health & spirit as you prepare for parenthood. I'm interested to know what you think of your Bible study book - it sounds interesting.
Very exciting!!
glad to see you blogging again. :)
Please post your maternity pics when you get them done! I am dying to see your baby bump!
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