Tuesday, August 18, 2009

With 9 days to go...

With only 9 days to go until the wedding, things are more busy than ever. It is so interesting to me that regardless of how much preparation I've done in advance, the week of the wedding is destined to be hectic. Most things are squared away at this point. However, with graduate school and the new job, a few logistical things are still on the TO DO list. The seating chart needs to be created, my dress needs to be altered, my shoes need to by dyed, song list needs to be finalized for the DJ, vows need to be finalized, name needs to be changed, rehearsal reminders need to be emailed, wedding party gifts need to be wrapped, and programs need to be printed/scored. Whew! Aside from all the stress, I am very excited to exchange vows in front of God and all my friends and family on August 28, 2009. I'm so excited to see Michael standing there at the end of the aisle in his formal Officer uniform. Oh, he's going to look so handsome. I cannot wait to see my parents tear up at the sight of our exchange of vows. I know it is going to be a beautiful occasion. I'll be sure to update photos as soon as possible. I'm so excited about our honeymoon I can barely contain myself! The thought of relaxing on an island after the stressful summer sounds so great.

I'm so grateful to God for where he's brought Michael and I in life and in our relationship. I feel so incredibly blessed and I certainly hope we build a strong marriage with our faith as our guide.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I LOVE weddings and I can't wait until yours!!