The alarm clock doesn't sound the same. Time doesn't move the same. Days don't pass the same. Life, as I know it, has changed. The sound of my alarm clock used to annoy me terribly because it meant it was time to leave dreamland and go on to the busy tasks of work and school. I'm not saying these things weren't exciting, but they are literally a drop in the bucket (a MASSIVE sized bucket) compared to the joy of hearing an alarm that reminds you it's time to wake up and feed your child. Nursing her is surreal. I get so excited to pull her into my cradled arms and stare deep into her brown eyes. She stares back and for a moment time seems to freeze. She stares with such curiosity. She looks and listens and she realizes after several moments that she recognizes my face and voice. She settles into my embrace and begins to feed. Aside from the mesmerizing affect of nurturing my child, I've found that time just flies past us. I go to sleep at night literally grinning ear to ear in anticipation of spending time with her again in a few hours. She's my joy. She's my heart. She's my life.
So how's it going you wonder??? What's it like you ask???
We've settled in to a routine that seems to be working so far. She eats on a fairly consistent schedule as part of the Babywise method (parent-directed feeding). The goal behind this method is to promote full-nights rest for mommy and baby within 2 months. So, our feeding times are: 6a, 9a, 11:30a, 2p, 5p, 8p, 11p, and once in the middle of the night whenever she naturally wakes up.
We also use a wonderful swaddle blanket that she loves. The Miracle Swaddle keeps her so incredibly comfortable. There was a night or two when she didn't have it because she'd soiled it earlier that day and I definitely noticed a difference in the quality of her sleep. Daddy and I are firm believers in the swaddle. It works wonders!
Beyond scheduled feedings and swaddling, we are also using cloth diapers (FuzziBunz). This has been very pleasant. The first thing my friends ask me about motherhood is "how's the diapering going?" It's done very well. I do wash diapers each night before bed and I assemble them in the morning when I get up for the day. It has proven to be a great investment thus far!
I'm also trying to settle into a routine for myself. Mommy needs sleep, meals and quiet time or I can't do my mommy job very well. I give her 3 breast milk bottles per day to help me strike a balance. I like the idea of measuring her milk a few times per day so that I know she's getting enough. The 3 bottle feeding times are the late night/early morning (11p, middle of the night, and 6a). This way daddy and I can alternate nights, allowing each of us to sleep a decent number of hours...every other night. I also find that Mariah sleeps very well on a bottle before bed. During the day, I nurse her and squeeze in time to pump out those 3 bottles.
Motherhood is definitely a full-time job. The first few weeks of motherhood require every ounce of my attention and energy. I eat for her. I sleep for her. I drink tons of water for her. I take my vitamins for her. It's literally all about her for several weeks as she's adjusting to life outside the womb. The greatest part about your infant needing you so much is that God gives you a heart for nurturing our children. I get joy from every task I do for her. I cannot explain how fulfilling this experience has been so far. I feel truly blessed to have this opportunity.