At 1:56 a.m. an angel came into this world. She proceeded to wail for several seconds until she was laid on the cleaning station. As several nurses and attendants worked on cleaning her up and checking her out, she quieted. Not a sound. She extended her arms and stretched her toes for the first time in life. Her right hand bumped something...hmmm...what's that? It was dads finger. She grabbed on and squeezed really tight as if to say "I'm so happy to finally meet you Pappa." Though my view was limited as I was being "attended to" myself, these moments were captured by my dear photographer Joy, so I was able to relive them moment by moment and see what I was so sadly missing out on as I laid on the hospital bed being stitched up. (OWWW! No one talks about THAT part of labor!) When Michael felt 5 tiny fingers wrap around his index finger, the camera snapped. Captured. A priceless moment between father and daughter. The picture speaks so much of the LOVE he felt at that very moment. His heart, so evidently full. Full to the brim with a joy that words truly cannot describe. Full of a joy that speechless tears can only portray.
Then she came to me, bundled tightly, eyes tightly closed...still so peaceful and quiet. She laid on my chest. I stared down into her face and felt every muscle in my body relax. I felt time freeze for just a moment. I heard God whisper to me, "this is your blessing." My heart filled to the brim with literal unspeakable joy. A joy that takes words away. A joy that seems surreal. A joy that's only felt when God so clearly hands you a blessing, that it takes your breath away.
Our hearts are so full...
Mariah Gabrielle McGehee
January 26, 2011
1:56 a.m.
7 lbs
20 inches