The Holidays are rapidly approaching and I feel so incredibly festive. This time of year is truly my favorite. The colder air puts me in the mood for warm drinks all throughout the day, a fuzzy blanket, and good book. All the yummy comfort recipes get me going as well! We have quite the busy month ahead of us, but I am refusing to allow the busyness of it all overshadow the joy this season brings. For starters, we have Thanksgiving on Thursday and we'll be hosting again. This year, I'm making my grandma's cornbread dressing. Last year I skipped it. The year before I made it. Let me tell you, Thanksgiving was great last year but there was a piece missing without grandma's dressing. My husband also devours my grandmother's dressing. When I told him I'd be making it again this year, I think he almost literally jumped for joy.
Second occasion on the calendar is our 2-year anniversary on Dec.2. I can't believe it's been that long all ready! Michael's anniversary gift came in the mail today. I snuck it past him and hid it. I'll wrap it tomorrow while he's at work. Then, I like to sit it out to make him drool over wanting to know what's in it.
Third occasion on the radar is my husbands 26th birthday, December 2. We haven't planned anything too special. He isn't big on birthdays, never has been. So we'll have a quiet dinner at home and gift-opening of course!!
The next occasion, if you want to call it that is our big move to Florida! That in itself is a J-O-B. I've began wrapping my head around the packing. Since I cannot physically move very much, I want to at least inventory each box and keep things organized. I'm also creating a mental list of things that we can purge or put on Craigslist. There no sense in hauling junk from one place to another if we haven't used it in years.
Finally, there's Christmas! Ahhhh my favorite day of the year. Well, one of my favorite. Since we'll likely be unpacking in a new house and filling empty spaces, I'm hoping just a tree will suffice this year. We'll do Christmas dinner obviously, but I think rest and relaxation will be the priority after all that work!
Lest we not forget we have a BABY ON THE WAY! I cannot WAIT to put my daughter's nursery together. I just got her crib sheet in yesterday. I'm purchasing the fabric for her linens tomorrow. I can't wait to see it all come together.
All in all, it'll be an exciting and fast-paced finish to 2010. I'll keep you updated!!