Education is very dear to my heart. I enjoy all of it! I spend the majority of my day surrounded by 3-foot tall bodies with permanent smiles and a desire to hug you every 5 to 7 seconds (depending on the child). Despite the chocolate smeared all over their face, the snot running down their upper lip, and the fact that you know they just go over the flu 2 days prior, you decide to hug them lovingly anyway! I find that working in a school is the most rewarding job I've ever experienced. My role at my school presents it's challenges, but all in all, school administration is where I see myself staying for awhile. The most interesting aspect of working at a school is the 'where'd the time go?' moment that you have at the end of
each day. When the kids depart and the teachers empty the parking lot, I'm left sitting there thinking: "Wasn't it just 9 o'clock?!" The day is so fast-paced. I mean hours will literally pass and feel like just a few minutes! One of my teachers best explained this phenomenon during our first week back to school: "The day was so fast Jessica. I mean one minute I'm helping a kid go to the bathroom and then next minute I realize I'm eating my lunch without having washed my hands!" While I haven't had an experience quite like that, I do understand the experience!
Where can my career in education take me? On an endless journey I hope. I find providing quality education to children is such a great way to pour positivity into their lives. It gives children a foundation to work and grow from. I love being a part of that development. I sincerely hope I am blessed to spend the rest of my life working in education in some way.
Many updates to come on my experience at school. It's ever-evolving. **SMILE**